Wednesday, July 15, 2009

LISC v Kungsbacka IF Game 3

George Voulgaris preparing to put the ball into place with a set piece.

Diamond Williams clearing the defensive set up to move the ball up field.

Paul Seeley(with the ball) controlling the ball in the middle of the field while Brennan Kraft(middle) and Tarik Koric(right) support.

Tarik Koric(20) slide tackles the ball away from an attacking player. Diamond Williams suppports.

The Captains, Brennen Kraft and Andy Drackley, shake hands at the start of the game with the Kungsbaka IF Captain and presents our team colors.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting for those of us at home to see the same sights and see pictures of the games. I wish I were there to share of the joy of our players' success on the field. I look forward to more! Janelle Drackley
